Friday, April 28, 2017

The Lake House Renovation: New Mantel

Our new mantel was installed today.  By the way, I've been spelling mantel wrong my whole life.  Just discovered that about 2 minutes ago.

We used a company that is local, does beautiful work, and met our deadline.  (My friend's shower is this weekend.  Everything has to be finished tomorrow!)

I cannot say enough good things about Burrus and Company.

We met Wade Burrus at a home show back in February.  He is just a super friendly country guy who loves what he does.

We told him that we had this fire place with these weird knobs that we wanted covered rather than holding up the mantel.  It's hard to see in this picture, but the knobs are underneath the old mantel.

Old Mantel

Old Mantel
The main reason we needed them covered was due to us having to put our TV on our fireplace.  The mantel on top of the knobs would have made the TV have to be too high and cause neck strain when watching.

I will say, I've been a major skeptic of putting TVs on fireplaces, but with Wade creating the mantel we needed, I think ours has turned out pretty nice.

He made the mantel where it fits over the existing knobs.  We were able to drop the heigh of the mantel and put the TV where we wanted.

New Mantel
The new mantel is a grown up mantel.  It fits the fireplace so much better.  It also helps to cover the wires.  We are so happy with it.  Though, I'm not happy with watching this Bee Movie for the 18th time.

Have a great weekend!

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